Tips on How to use Foam Shutters to Save Money:
- Use on all windows except southern windows at any time when a heat source is required.
- Put shutters on south facing windows when the sun goes down when a heat source is required.
- As a general winter rule, windows are best left exposed only when standing in front of the uncovered sunny window causes your skin to feel warm, or makes the floor warm. The rest of the time, the window is usually leaking more heat than creating it. The opposite is true in summer.
- Heat from interior lightbulbs will help to heat your house while producing light, so losing heat to gain light from windows is not the best use of energy. It takes far more energy to heat a home than illuminate it.
- Store shutters in a location where they are easily accessed, but unlikely to be damaged, as they will be installed and removed often.
- Please note that foam boards, like curtains, are flammable.
- Consider shutters for southern windows in the daytime and western windows after noon during days when artificial cooling is required.
- On days over 100 degrees, shutters are recommended for all windows. Make sure to use low wattage LED bulbs in the house when artificial cooling is required.
Foam Shutter Craft DIY link here.